Imam Hasan’s prophecy of reconciliation with Moavie: a revisit of Imam Hasan’s strategic policies towards Moavie


Associate professor, department of history, Howze and university research center, Qom, Iran,


Imam Hasan’s prophecy of reconciliation with Moavie: a revisit of Imam Hasan’s strategic policies towards Moavie it emenated from a deep and thorough understanding of Imam from the circumstances of Iraq in that era. This comprehensive undestanding pushed Imam to adopt a wholistic policy package from the beginning of his reign. Imam Hasan could well prophesy the defeat of Iraqi Muslims supporting him to the front opened in Sham (damascus) supporting Moavie. Aslo, Imam Hasan could discern the need to show military activity(military maneuver) to achieve long-term political purposes and to avoid a complete and irrepairable defeat later on. The view offered in the current study flatly contradicts the first view and compelements and
reforms the first one.
