Conceptual analysis of Shegsheqiyah lecture, with an emphasis on foregrunding in the method of metaphor and allusion

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Meybod University. Meybod. Iran.

2 PhD student in Nahj al-Balagheh Science and Education, Meybod University. Meybod. Iran.

3 Assistant Professor of Islamic Jurisprudence and Law, Meybod University. Meybod. Iran.



The third lecture of Nahj al-Balaghah is called "Shegsheqiyah", in which the highest theological purposes are presented in the most beautiful rhetorical forms. One of the wonderful literary forms is the use of numerous metaphors and allusions that Imam Ali (as) used at once during this speech. Examining the above-mentioned metaphors and allusions, it is well understood that these words has gone beyond the level of standard and normative speech and has caused a foregrunding in the mind of the audience. Of course, foregrunding is done through various tricks and this research has researched only metaphorical and ironic tricks with the focus on what is the conceptual purposes of Imam Ali (AS). The method of this article is descriptive-analytical and its results show that the study of each of the foregrundings in the metaphors and allusions of Shegsheqiyah lecture, leads the audience to deep purposes and intentions. Some of these goals are such as the real position of the Imamate, the Imam's view of the people and the government, some of the behavioral characteristics of the previous caliphs, and also portraying the current and past situation. Realizing such purposes plays an important role in analyzing the discourse of Imam Ali (as) in Shiite thought.


Main Subjects

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