Analysis of speech actions in Ghadir

Document Type : Original Article


Department of the Quran Sciences and Hadith, Faculty of Human Sciences, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran



The method of sermon is one of the effective communication techniques that had been used by the Prophet Muhammad proportionate to time and place. This effective propaganda method is very sensitive in Ghadir Day and aftermath of the revelation of verse 67 of Ma'idah Surah and suggests that the words of the Prophet (pbh), according to Quran verses, are not based on personal desires. Ghadir's sermon is one of the most valuable religious texts formed in a particular context and containing a collection of news, orders, deceits, exhortations and warnings. The aim of this study has been identification and analysis of speech actions in Ghadir sermon. The research methodology is descriptive-analytical and mostly based on Searl's speech act theory that based on the most important speech actions in this theory, the text of Ghadir sermon has been analyzed. The results of the analysis show that the proclamations, declarations, expressive, emotional and accrual actions have the most application in this sermon, respectively. Considering the situational texture of the sermon and the frequency of the actions of it, the speaker sought to declare the successor by encouraging the audience, commenting on and describing the characteristics of Imam Ali (as), and by defining and admiring his virtues, share his mentality with the audience to make the audience commit allegiance to Imam Ali(as).
