Theory of Imamate according to Imami Scholars in the School of Kufa

Document Type : Original Article



The idea of Imamate and characteristics of the Imam are the main features
distinguishing the Imami School form other Islamic schools. These are
among the most important issues the earlier Imami thinkers have discussed
and theorized about them.
Shi’i thinkers and Muhaddithun in Kufa share in some theories to define Imamate
and are of the opinion that the Imamate is a very high station which is even
much higher than the station of prophethood and messengership. According
to them, the most important feature of Imamate is that Imam should be obeyed
and followed independently, which is in direct relation to the delegation of
religion. Thus, it is necessary that God specify the right of being obeyed for the
Imam. Of course there were some disputes among the great Imami figures in
Kufa concerning some characteristics of Imamate such as the extent of Imam’s
knowledge and in particular his inspirational knowledge, the extent of Wilayah,
and the ways they looked at “Infallibility”. These disputes depend mostly on
the views and theological approaches of thinkers. The Hisham theological
school provided rational arguments for the issues of Imamate and presented a
particular view which, as compared to the beliefs of the mainstream and Imami
Muhaddithun, is considered as a minimalistic view.